Friday, November 9, 2012

Abstracts with oil pastels

abstracts with oil pastels

abstracts with oil pastels
We did abstracts today--with a full, active class!
abstracts with oil pastels
The kids drew from fruit, using oil pastels and creating colorful backgrounds. They drew four different fruits, on four small sheets of paper.
abstracts with oil pastelsabstracts with oil pastelsabstracts with oil pastels
abstracts with oil pastels
abstracts with oil pastels
Yeah! we have a new volunteer, high school student Brittany.
abstracts with oil pastels
Then, on a larger sheet, they chose their favorite drawing and glued it down. They folded and cut the other 3 rearranging them, and gluing them down to become abstract.
abstracts with oil pastels
abstracts with oil pastels
abstracts with oil pastels
abstracts with oil pastels
abstracts with oil pastels
abstracts with oil pastels

abstracts with oil pastelsabstracts with oil pastelsabstracts with oil pastels
abstracts with oil pastels

abstracts with oil pastels
abstracts with oil pastels

abstracts with oil pastels

abstracts with oil pastels

abstracts with oil pastels
abstracts with oil pastelsabstracts with oil pastelsabstracts with oil pastelsabstracts with oil pastels
Some of the kids finished early, and had waaay too much energy to stay inside. So we went out and visited the Dia de los Muertos community installation in the courtyard of California Center for the Arts, Econdido. We talked about the altars and what the mementos told about the people who had passed on. Victor told us his children would cover his altar with pizza because he loves it!
abstracts with oil pastelsabstracts with oil pastelsabstracts with oil pastels

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