Lots of kids and their families came on Saturday, from 1:30-3:30 for our holiday party. We had all the materials for the Wes Bruce project~ shoe boxes, straws, fabric, buttons, popsicle sticks, telephone wire, markers, glue, acorns....etc. The families worked together to create their own diorama. We had pizza and cookies and juice too!
We hung the two murals that the kids had done with Amy.
Mundo Lindo starts up again on Thursday, January 13th and Tuesday the 18th! See you then!(If you want to join us, you need to go to an Escondido (California) Public School and be in the 4th or 5th grade. Email Amy for details.)
The kids and I and Amy had a field trip to California Center for the Arts Esconidido Art Museum to see the fabulous installation by Wes Bruce.
When we returned to the studio, each kid selected a shoe box. We'd gathered materials for them to construct whatever they wanted. Some of the materials were: shells, acorns, bells, spools, wooden sticks, fabric, glue, construction paper....I showed the kids how to add a wall, inside their shoebox, using a piece of construction paper, and let them do whatever they wanted.
Everyone's was unique and original. Some approached it from the architectural point of view, constructing floors, stairs, patios, while others when straight to the decor, wall paper and objet d'art.