Friday, January 28, 2011

Designing & sewing Monster Dolls.

making stuffed monster dolls
I love doing sewing projects with the kids, though it's intense for Amy and I. Everyone needs help to pin the pattern, to thread the needle, to learn to sew, to re-thread the needle, to untie a knot, to re-thread the needle...The kids did great.
designing monster dolls
Last week, they designed their monster dolls, by drawing, cutting out and painting on paper.
making stuffed monster dolls
This week, they redrew the pattern on paper, selected fabric, pinned the pattern and cut out the fabric.
making stuffed monster dolls
They could sew on embellishments of fabric of buttons, or glue googley eyes.
making stuffed monster dolls
Then, with right sides together, they sewed the edge of the dolls. We'll complete them next week by finishing the sewing, and stuffing them.
making stuffed monster dolls

googley eyes
hmm, how'd these googley eyes get here?
making stuffed monster dolls

making stuffed monster dolls
fabric selection. We have buckets of fabric for the kids to choose from.
making stuffed monster dolls

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tuesday's class

Tuesday, Jan 25
Busy class, as usual! we painted clay, make things with clay, designed monster dolls, wrote books about said monster dolls...
Tuesday, Jan 25

Tuesday, Jan 25
Design for her monster doll
Tuesday, Jan 25

Tuesday, Jan 25
we played a little.
Tuesday, Jan 25
created amazing penquins in clay
Tuesday, Jan 25
monster doll design
Tuesday, Jan 25

Tuesday, Jan 25

Tuesday, Jan 25

Tuesday, Jan 25

Tuesday, Jan 25
PINK penquins too.
Tuesday, Jan 25
painted palm trees
Tuesday, Jan 25

Tuesday, Jan 25

Monday, January 24, 2011

more from last thursday's class

jan 20 2
Of course, I really try to teach good art studio habits...
jan 20 3
well, I try. Art making can become quite exuberant
jan 20
We're painting our clay from last week
1_20 painting clay

1_20 clay food
Some were just creating with clay this week. That's a burger, fries and cold drink.
1_20 clay pig

designing a monster doll
We designed monster dolls, which will be next week's project
1_20 shoes
and really, it's all about the shoes.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Leo. from 2008 to today.

self portraits leo 6_12_08
See this little boy? His name is Leo, and these are photos from 2008 Mundo Lindo
Here he is today~ Volunteering and teaching at Mundo Lindo.
Leo ~ teen volunteer
We had a full class, some painting their clay from last week, and some, who just started today, were working in clay.
Leo ~ teen volunteer
Amy was at a meeting, and I was on my own. With Leo.
Leo ~ teen volunteer
While I helped the one group with painting, Leo taught 8 kids to make pinch pots, coil and slab. Completely on his own.
Leo ~ teen volunteer
I don't think I could be any prouder. Thank you Leo.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tuesday's class with clay

Tuesday class with clay
We made pinch pots, coil pots and worked with slabs. The clay will self-harden and we'll paint it next week.
Tuesday class with clay
So many things to make in clay!
Tuesday class with clay
A tiny house with a basketball court and a flag and...
Tuesday class with clay

Tuesday class with clay

Friday, January 14, 2011

Mundo Lindo 2011

Amy and the kids in front of their mural
Mundo Lindo is starting it's fourth year! Here's Amy and the Thursday kids in front of the murals they made last year.
We worked with clay, today, learning how to make a pinch pot, a coil pot and then work with slab construction. The kids were totally engaged! They love clay!

