Friday, April 27, 2012

Making Puppets!

making puppets

making puppets
I gave the kids a pattern for a puppet,
and they selected fabric and cut out the pieces.

making puppets

making puppets
They decorated the front, and then sewed on the pieces

making puppets

plenty of fabric
We had plenty of fabric! That's Marcy trying to 'organize' it.

making puppets

making puppets

making puppets
Daisy led a discussion on the character of the puppets.
The kids created their own puppets this week, in preparation for our last day party and puppet show on Thursday, May 10. (You're invited! for the 4:30 puppet show!)
Daisy will meet with them next week to discuss and help them develop  the voices, personalities and names of the puppets and we'll do a rehearsal.
making puppets dress upmaking puppetsmaking puppets

Friday, April 13, 2012

Egg Drop

egg drop
It's still spring break, so we had a small, but mighty class today.
sun printing  sun printing
First, we did sun-printing outside, in the garden.
egg drop materials egg drop
Then, began the competition! An egg drop. Three teams of three kids, each with the exact same materials. They were charged with building something to protect their raw egg from a drop of 14 feet or so.
egg drop

egg drop

egg drop

egg drop
Ashley's team created a grave marker (!) for their egg's eminent death!
egg drop
The kids were left to do whatever they wanted. They gave their eggs names, made team banners, used nearly a roll of scotch tape.
egg drop

egg drop

egg drop  egg drop
The drop! All the eggs were so well encased in tape and cardboard, none of them broke. But they were buried, nonetheless. 
a grave for an egg

egg drop
The next round, they could use whatever they wanted, except no scotch tape this time.
egg drop

egg drop
The kids LOVED this project, and as you can see, were totally engaged. They worked great as teams!
egg drop

egg drop
Team photos...
egg drop

egg drop  egg dropped
The drop (I threw them, this time!)
did it survive??? burying  eggs
And, an impromptu graveyard for the eggs was created. Again, totally the kid's idea.
a grave for an egg a grave for an egg

Friday, April 6, 2012


april 5, 2012

april 5, 2012
Monoprinting! one of my favorites. We used geli printing plates and BioColor and regular printer paper.
april 5, 2012
Stencils and rubber bands and bubble wrap
april 5, 2012

april 5, 2012

april 5, 2012

april 5, 2012

april 5, 2012

april 5, 2012

april 5, 2012
then the kids cut up some of their prints to create cards.
april 5, 2012

april 5, 2012 april 5, 2012

april 5, 2012  april 5, 2012
april 5, 2012
Before we started printing, we did a little
april 5, 2012
Before we started printing, they did a little planting in the garden. Andrea suggested that she take home her seedling, and once it was grown, she'd return and replant it as a 'donation' to the garden.
april 5, 2012

april 5, 2012

april 5, 2012