Friday, February 1, 2013

Painting with Acrylics

acrylic painting

acrylic painting
demo painting by Jane LaFazio
acrylic painting
demo in progress by Jane LaFazio
I showed the kids how to draw a tree, then outline it with marker and paint with acrylic paint. I encouraged them to use lots of color within the painting, and showed them how different it was to paint with acrylic paint, versus watercolor.
acrylic painting
 I brought in some tree silhouettes for inspiration, letting them know they could mix and match different elements, or simply draw their own tree.
acrylic painting
They gathered their paints.
acrylic paintingacrylic paintingacrylic painting
They had their clay, to paint from last week too. 
acrylic paintingacrylic paintingacrylic paintingacrylic paintingacrylic painting acrylic painting
acrylic paintingacrylic painting
acrylic paintingacrylic paintingacrylic paintingacrylic paintingacrylic paintingacrylic paintingacrylic paintingacrylic paintingacrylic paintingacrylic paintingacrylic paintingacrylic painting
I think they created some wonderful paintings!


Bridgette Guerzon Mills said...

Wonderful! All of them.

Wendy @ the Late Start Studio said...

I love every step . . . I'd be tempted to copy the drawings (or have them repeat them) and have the kids use a different media for completion . . . watercolour pencils/crayons or collage. They're just stunning Jane. I hope I can do something similar when I give up the day-job!