Friday, January 25, 2013

working with clay

Clay Lesson
The kids love clay, and don't get much chance to work with it. This is air dry clay, so the pieces will be dry by next week, and then they'll paint them.
Clay Lesson
I showed them how to make a pinch pot and a coil pot~ and talk a bit about where clay comes from and how the Native Americans created dishes and bowls.
Clay Lesson

Clay Lesson

Clay Lesson As usual, Victor created a dinosaur. He's quite the expert on them!Clay Lesson

Clay Lesson
After they made the bowls, to learn the techniques, they created rabbits and cats, and furniture!
Clay Lesson
One group of girls constructed a whole set of bedroom furniture including a giant lava lamp!
Clay Lesson

Clay Lesson
Clay Lesson
Clay Lesson
Clay Lesson

Clay LessonClay Lesson
Clay Lesson
Clay Lesson


Rachel Parris said...

The faces on these pictures are priceless. I love Victor.

Sharon Gorberg said...

Clay is what originally drew me to art. IT is a magic material and kids just love it. Wonderful photos Jane.